Converters and Distributors of Thermal, Industrial and Technical Textiles.

Generic Names Vs Brands in Industrial and Technical Fibres and Polymers


Historical brands are often so strong, that it is easy not to know the generic name for the fibre or elastomers used in many technical fabrics we supply. This can cause problems when old brands linger on dated specifications and especially when those brands don't actually exist. 

For example

  • Polychloroprene is better known as Neoprene
  • Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene is better known as Hypalon
  • Flourocarbon Rubber is better known as Viton
  • Para Aramid is often referred to as Kevlar
  • Meta Aramid is often referred to as Nomex

 All of the above are market leading Dupont brands, but only the latter Kevlar and Nomex are ones that are still technically made by Dupont.

There are a huge range of alternative brands of these polymers on the market which should not be dismissed. Contact Textile Technologies Europe Ltd for clarity and help choosing the right fibre and polymer for the application at hand.

Textile Technologies Europe Ltd supply the UK’s largest range of heat resistant and high performance industrial and technical textiles.

Kevlar and Nomex are both registered trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.

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  • Eddy Ashworth